Friday, July 31, 2009

Positive vibes and Wifi at Panera

Well, another day at Panera (for a total of 3 days this week). I've been posting my "I'm at Panera" status on Facebook. A few of my friends actually think I am working here. Well, technically, I am, but not for Panera. I'm working for my next job.

I come here before or after the gym, buy something to eat or drink and then plug in and log-on. I'm averaging 4 hours a day here and when I am here, I just feel GOOD. I feel comfortable, focused on my job search and incredibly happy to be out of the house. What a difference a little booth and free wifi makes!!!

As far as the job search process, I just updated my resume. I can thank Melanie from for her free feedback the other day. It was a little harsh, but once I could read it without seeing red, I realized that she was right. It needed some work.

I'm sending the revised resume to my headhunter and a few friends to see what they think, and then I am going to work on networking. Time to kick the job search up into higher gear.

Inspirational Quote of the day:"Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning.” --Dennis Waitley

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