Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I'm Jobless...but not hopeless

That's right. I'm a Marketer in NYC and I am out of work. I'm not alone. NYC is currently showing an 8.6% unemployment rate. We haven't quite hit our 1992 high of 9.3%, but we seem to be trending right up there. At least I know I am in good company.

Well, I'm not giving up. This blog is to keep me thinking, and to keep me working towards the ultimate goal of finding my next job. If I can help a few people along the way, even better.

My dream is to find the perfect job, the one that makes me feel like my being laid off from my last one "happened for a reason." That perfect job is working for a company that I believe in. A company that makes the world a better place through education, charity, or innovation. However, I will be thankful for anything the unemployment Gods send my way.

My goals for this Blog

  • Create Daily Postings on Topics related to my Job Search
  • Increase my online skills
  • Get the perfect job within the next 100 days.

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