Saturday, February 19, 2011

Seven Months...Will the offer EVER come?

It has been seven months since I started as a temp at Elastic.  I knew this was going to be a long process, but when you think about how long its been since I started,  I seriously wonder if the offer will ever come.  And to be honest, even if the offer did this economy what exactly does that mean? 

I am very happy in the company and I am working hard making progress.  And I know that times are tough all around  and really my biggest issue these days is that I haven't been able to really consider taking a vacation because it is really going to cost me double.  First the vacation and then for the time I took.  So...I just keep on trucking...My vacation will come.

So in the meantime, I continue to focus on new things.  Like working on a presentation with my boss to help build our case for a bigger team.  And ME.  I'm dieting and get back in shape.  There is nothing worse than feeling bad about the way you look.  And just in case I have to start interviewing again, I'll fit into my interview clothes again!  :)

1 comment:

  1. The offer will come!! Hardwork always pays off... taking care of yourself and more importantly believing in yourself is what matters... Keep it up...good job.. thanks for sharing... (and surrounding yourself with positive people is great too!) so glad to know you...Chrissie
