Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Visit to Workforce 1 office

After a year of unemployment, I was "asked" to report to 120 Stuyvesant Plaza 3rd Floor at 8:45 am.   I had no idea what this was going to be about.  I was a little annoyed that I had to give up my morning and pay for parking to be able to continue my benefits, but on the other hand, I really couldn't complain.  They haven't asked me for anything in over a year.   Last time I was laid off, they forced me to sit in front of a  computer in the unemployment office for an hour per month searching for a job.  

Anyway, the session was basically an orientation to WORKFORCE 1, an agency set up to help people find jobs.  Some people were required to go there for unemployment benefits (like me), but there were many who were there to take advantage of the resources that they had to offer, which include free access to computers and fax machines, counselors and programs to get people back to the workforce.  Most of the job offerings did not apply to me, but they did provide me with a list of job search websites which I will use for my search.

Anyway...wasn't as bad as I expected, and I am back to my office at Panera.  The job search continues...

What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching your destination.

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